This is our Good Relations and Inclusion Policy
Child Protection Policy
These documents come together to form our school Child Protection Policy revised 2013
Anti-Bullying Policy
This is our Anti-Bullying Policy – revised 2009
Attendance & Punctuality Policy
These documents below come together to form our Attendance and Punctuality Policy revised 2011.
Here are the official photographs of our newly elected class representatives and post holders on our 2013-14 School Pupils Council.
They are due to hold their first council meeting in the next couple of weeks and already have a full agenda of items to address…..
We are all expecting big things from this talented bunch of young Councillors!
Dinner menu for October 2013
Find below the link to our dinner menu for October 2013.
Pupils of the Month for September 2013
Congratulations to all our pupils who are being celebrated for something that made them just that little bit more outstanding than the others this month!
Follow this link to see the children….
Every class this week has taken a focus on a language as part of European Languages Day celebration. These have ranged from Polish to Italian, French to Irish and also included a few a little further away or a little different!
Ones that not everyone would think about immediately are Signing and Makaton which are used regularly in our communities.
Children from P2 worked hard to learn a song in Makaton with Miss Lynas and they recorded a short clip to share with you.
They hope you like it……just click on this link….
Pupils from GIPS escorted by Mr A attended the schools’ launch of Buy a Brick campaign on 25th Sept 13 to encourage 50+ schools to help fund-raise £1000 from each school to help build the new play area in the 11 million pound rebuild of Somerton House.
Maurice Jay from U-105 hosted the event and children were shown the project plans and need for new build. Everyone is getting behind this worthwhile campaign to support families touched by terminal illness.
The children are now going to help lead an assembly this week to promote the support we are going to offer in school and then in the coming weeks, the school council class representatives are going to canvas their classes and come together to agree as a council what events and when we are going to raise this money. It will equate to only approx £3 per child in school/playgroup so hopefully we can raise even more than the £1000 target.
The event was held in the Crumlin Rd Gaol so as well as getting some goodies from U-105 and the NI Hospice, the kids also got a quick look around (as well as their lucky treat at Havlock House earlier in the month!)
Look out for our fund-raising events in the weeks to come as the pupils bring their ideas to life! Follow this link to learn a bit more about the new plans for the hospice with their youtube video……click here
New UTV Broadcast Team!
Two of our P6 pupils had a wonderful opportunity, although accidental to visit the UTV and U105 Studios in Havlock House, Belfast on Fri 13th Sept. they were given a tour of the UTV Live Studio 1 and sat in the chair normally occupied by Paul Clarke. Later they went and visited the U105 studio, getting to meet Frank Mitchell as he was doing his live morning show. They also got to sit where the producers and controllers run the programmes from before heading back to school with goodie bags each. GIPS are helping U105 with lots of other schools in NI raise funds for a new Wall of Hope in the NI Hospice this term. There will be a further launch event in Crumlin Rd Gaol on 25th Sept 13.