Teacher: Mrs R McKee & Mrs J Bell
Foundation Teaching Assistant: Mrs Henry

In P2 we are becoming more independent as we develop friendships, improve our play , extend our personal skills and work hard. We continue to learn about our own and others’ feelings, especially how to handle concerns and worries and when to say, “Never mind!”

We really enjoy putting on our splash suits and wellie boots so that we can have outdoor learning, even when it is wet. We have thoroughly enjoyed outdoor challenges, planting, making musical instruments and playing them, singing, dancing, acting, sewing, using the IWB and iPads, learning about God, as well as developing our skills with number bonds, numbers to 20, shape, space and measurement, plus grammar, reading and writing. 

There is an international element in our group names and as we explore our topics:

  • Bright eyed, Schools Worldwide
  • What Will We Wear?
  • Toys, Toys, Toys
  • Fur, Feathers and Scales

P2 loves to have fun.