Update on News articles
As a result of the development of social media (facebook, youtube and twitter) and the introduction of SMS services and Seesaw app – We have discontinued using this webpage for general news and articles and only will utilise it occasionally for items that cannot be shared via our more popular means and for uploading and downloading important policy documents.
Please check out our links to Social Media on our homepage or speak to your child’s teacher about Seesaw and teachers2parents SMS service if you are not yet registered.
N Arnold
The new GDPR Policy for Glengormley IPS can be accessed below by clicking on this link –
GDPR Data Protection Policy
The following privacy notices are also available for Pupils and their Families, Teaching Staff and Non-Teaching Staff.
Privacy Notice – Pupils and Parents Families Carers Legal Guardians
Privacy Notice – Controlled Schools Teaching Staff
Privacy Notice – Controlled Schools Non Teaching Staff
Follow this link below to access an online copy of our School Development Plan, in accordance with DE legislation.
3050791_SDP School-Development-Plan
Please find the first note to parents of current P5 and P6 children about Ski Trip 18 below:
You will find below – the latest version of our school safeguarding and Child Protection Policy along with our user-friendly guidance booklet for parents.
Parent booklet – Safeguarding and Child Protection
First School Newsletter of 2016-17
Please find below, the first school newsletter with lots of important information to remind you of for the new school year 2016-17.
Dear All,
Welcome back to all our playgroup & primary pupils of Glengormley Integrated Primary School. I trust families had a lovely summer break and our children are all refreshed and ready for a new year in school.
A special welcome to our new P1 pupils who are starting with us this year!
Our school continues to prosper and we now have around 350 pupils and 50 pre-school pupils here! We are excited to continue to share in the diversity of cultures in our community here in Glengormley as we have much to share and learn from each other.
- FREE SCHOOL MEALS – The annual taxable income threshold for qualifying for free school meals is £16,190. If your child is eligible for free school meals, please see the school secretary to complete the necessary form. It is of great benefit to the school that you should complete this form even if you decide not to take the free meal, so please do make the effort. Forms available from the school secretary.
PLEASE NOTE: Until the name is recorded on the EA manifest and school informed – you are required to send payment to school or send a packed lunch.
School Dinner orders should be placed for the week ahead on a Monday morning and money sent in accordingly in an envelope indicating the days required.
- PUBLIC TRANSPORT – If any children travel to school using public transport and Glengormley is the nearest Integrated Primary School, they may be entitled to free transportation. You do need to live outside a 2 mile walking distance from school. Please see the school secretary for the relevant documentation.
- child information and contact sheet – If you have not yet returned this form please do so as soon as possible so that we can update our records accordingly. Please note we have an email distribution list now to send our electronic as well as paper bulletins, so please do complete this section with accurate legible details if you wish to receive email bulletins to home or work.
- SCHOOL FUND / FASHION FRIDAY – non-uniform day every last Friday of the month and ask children to each bring a £1 for the privilege and pleasure. This will go straight to school fund, unless otherwise informed.
- HEALTHY BREAK – Please support our Healthy Break Policy by ensuring your child has a piece of fruit or vegetable sticks for mid-morning break. We only allow children fruit at break-time, but your child is welcome to continue to bring a sweeter treat as desert for after their lunch. Apples and bananas will be available for sale at 20p from the After-School Club Room for those children who forget their healthy break.
- Water in the classroom – We continue to encourage children to bring fresh water to school for during learning time and ensure that children have their brains sufficiently hydrated. We encourage children to bring a bottle of water with them to school. In order to avoid unnecessary spills and to ensure conformity, this needs to be a clear bottle with a sports cap, with only still unflavoured water inside. Please ensure you label this with your child’s name.
- BREAKFAST & EXTENDED AFTER SCHOOL CLUB – we continue to offer our very successful wrap-around service to parents who wish to avail of it for a small cost. You are able to make your payments using child tax credits and will save yourself some money in doing so. If you wish to make use of this service or find out more, speak to Mrs. Mulcahy, any member of the after-school staff or our school secretary.
- UNIFORM – A reminder to please ensure you take the time to label all items of uniform including shoes and P.E. kits with your child’s name in a permanent manner. It really does cause unnecessary distress and hassle to the teachers when this is not done. We appreciate your help in this simple task.
- JEWELLERY – A reminder that jewellery should not be worn to school. If it is, it will be removed by the class teacher for safe-keeping and returned at the end of the school day. An exception will be made for small stud earrings only but these must be removed for P.E activities.
- PARENT HELP – We are always looking for volunteers! We are always very appreciative of any parent who can offer their time to assist in any way. If you can spare some time either through the school day to support us with clerical work, or even for accompanying a teacher and their class on a school visit, please get in touch with the school secretary or myself so that we can take your details and get you processed through the necessary vetting and child protection procedures before hand if appropriate.
- P.T.A. – Please don’t forget we are always looking for assistance with our very hard working Parent Teacher Association, both with ideas and support at events. This is a great way to really get involved in the life of your child’s school and show them that you take a genuine interest in their education. The PTA will be in contact shortly to alert you to their plans for the forthcoming year. If you wish to join the PTA please speak to any of the committee members. You will find details on the school website PTA page.
- MORNING ARRIVAL / AFTERNOON DEPARTURE – Please note that pupils should arrive to school between 8.40am and 8.55am. No pupils should be on the school premises before the teaching staff members begin their playground duties at 8.40am, unless they are attending the Breakfast club and have registered to be there. The side gate to the playground and the Antrim Road gate should be used and will remain open until 9.15am to allow for late arrivals. No-one other than staff should be using the front door until 9.15am. P2-3 children will leave through the middle doors at the Bike Square and P1 from the playgroup door. P4-7 children will leave as normal through the entrance past the older children’s toilet block.
- PARENT ACCESS – Do please ensure that you adhere to both parent parking rules and the parental access policy in the school. We have two disabled parking spaces that should be left clear for those who require them. Parents should try to “drop-off” children in the morning rather than parking and entering the grounds in order help reduce congestion on Church Rd. If you wish to speak with a teacher or member of staff, please consult with the principal or secretary to arrange an appointment before approaching any member of staff. If in any doubt of this school policy, please consult the principal
- ADULT PASSES- To improve pupil understanding of who is who and who does what in school and to improve Child Protection measures, you may have seen the introduction of new staff/guest/visitor passes being issued/worn. If you do attend the main office, please ensure you are issued the appropriate pass for your time spent in the school and return it when signing out upon your departure.
- WET MORNING ARRIVALS – Teachers will be on duty at 8.40am to meet children as they arrive on wet days at the doors. They will be directed to their classroom where their teachers will be present awaiting them.
Yours Faithfully,
NR Arnold
Principal with schools reps to “Amazing the Space” UN International Day of Peace Celebrations at Maze Wednesday 21st September 16
Image Musical Theatre “The Jungle Book” for P4-7 Wednesday 21st September 16
European Day of Languages Celebrations & International Themed Fashion Friday £1 Friday 30th September 16
(October dates will follow and each month thereafter as per last year)
The next Andy Murray?……..
We are very proud of our little P6 tennis superstar! Just look below at the success he has had this summer whilst building his career profile. GIPS are delighted to again be represented at such a high level by such a talented individual. We wish his further success and hope to see more trophies and titles in 2016-17. Well done Brad!
Larne winning runner up under-12
Ballycastle which is a huge tournament where he got Quarter Final of Under 12 and then won Under 12 novice.
CI Belfast where he got to semis of Under-12 and novice Under-12.
Stranmillis Boat Club where he got to finals again!!
Bangor where he got to semis of u14 novice.
Windsor where he won u14 novice…
H continues to undertake his 3rd year of playing Ulster Tennis.
Winning an u14 achievement at only still 9 yrs of age!!
Photo is of winning u14 novice with the sponsor of the event.