

Please click on the link below for reminder details:-

Cinderella Panto Tue 10_12_13 _reminder


Pupils of the Month for November 2013

Here are all our new pupils of the month for November 2013.  Aren’t they a bunch of great wee stars!?
Well done to all our pupils for always trying so hard to be good citizens in and out of school.

Pupils of the month for Nov13


Starting School or Playgroup in September 2014?

If your child is of pre-school playgroup age or P1 age for starting in September 2014, please find below the application forms for:
Glengormley Integrated PS P1 starting in Sept 14
Primary Application Form 2014
Glengormley IPS Playgroup starting in Sept 14
Pre-School Application For Starting in September 2014
Don’t worry that these forms are dated 2013-14!  Just change it to 2014-15! We are 2 steps ahead of the NEELB!


GIPS School Development Plan for 2013-2016

Following consultation at all levels – the Board of Governors have ratified and published the new School Development Plan for 2013-2016.

It can be viewed by following the link below:

School Development Plan 2013-16


P1 children in North Belfast News – Nov 13

Here is a lovely photo of our two classes of Primary 1 as featured in the North Belfast News in November 2013.  Don’t they just look so cute!?


Pupils of the Month for October 2013

Here are the wonderful wee stars of GIPS who have shone brightly throughout the month of October 13.  We hope they continue to shine a light and guide the way for others around them……Pupils of the month for Oct13


Crusaders & Newington FC Schools' Community Project @Seaview

P5 & P6 pupils are participating in a cross community project with a number of other schools from the area based at Seaview Football Grounds.  The scheme is run by Crusaders FC and Newington FC and has given children the opportunity to collaborate with other kids from other schools on PDMU activities including art and craft, oh, and of course, football!
As usual Mr Denvir is on hand to coach and manage the team and the children have a very competative spirit each week. (Wonder who they get that from?! – CD)
Here is one of the teams who performed splendidly this week, cleaning up!!

Thanks to Scott Gordon for the photo.



Dinner Menu for November 2013

Please find the Dinner Menu for November 2013 by following the link below – 

lunch menu Nov 13



OPEN EVENING 13 for New P1 and Playgroup pupils – Sept 14


We will hold our Open Evening for prospective P1 and Playgroup parents and pupils who would like to consider our school for Sept 14 intake, on Tuesday 3rd December 2013.
Forms should by then be available to complete for application.  The school and playgroup staff will be in attendance to answer any questions you might have and there will be some entertainment provided by the older pupils and small activities for your children should you wish to bring them along with you.
The Open Evening will start at 7pm and run to 9pm.  Please come along and visit us to find out a little more about what goes on in GIPS.


School Educational Trips and Residential Policy 2013

This is the school Educational Trip and Residential Policy revised 2013