GIPS School Councillors Shine a Light for Peace with Corrymeela – Christmas 2023 Campaign launch, Europa Hotel, Belfast.
Welcome to our new School Pupil Council Webpage 2023-24
Our School pupil council has representatives voted in to office by their class peers from primary 5 to primary 7.
Chairperson – Ellie McMordie
Secretaries – Emma Bartocha & Emma Doran
Lexi Smith
Barry Harbinson
P5/6 CM
Harrison Bradley
Logon-Rose Kerr
P6 M
Eabha Napier
Hannah McTier
P7 K
Logan Keenan
Emma Bartocha
Emma Doran
P7 T
Ellie McMordie
Carter Campbell
Meah Dowdall-Reid
We aim to be a voice of our pupils in school and bring about action for improvement in support of the Principal, teachers and staff in school for the benefit of all our pupils in Glengormely IPS.