Welcome! Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about Glengormley Integrated Primary School.
How do I apply for transport assistance?
If you have a child attending the nearest Integrated Primary School of your choice and you are outside a 2 mile radius of Glengormley IPS, you may be eligible for assistance from the Education Authority with transportation needs. To check and apply, this must be done through an online application available on the EA website.
Where can I get school uniform and equipment?
Our uniform stockists are local. Jumpers, polo shirts and items with the school crest can be obtained from “The Jeanery” in Glengormley. Follow the link on our homepage. School bags (P1-P3) and PE Slipper Bags can be purchased directly from the secretary in school.
What is the procedure for applying for Free School Meals?
An application form for free school meals has to be completed by Parent/Guardian /Claimant on the Education Authority website. Guidance can be obtained from the school office.
Who is entitled to receive free meals?
Children are entitled to free school meals if:
- the parent/guardian is in receipt of Income Support, Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance or if a pupil claims Income Support in their own name; or,
- the parents receive the Child Tax Credit; and are ineligible for the Working Tax Credit because they work less than 16 hours per week; and have an annual taxable income of £16,190 or less; or,
- the parents receive Working Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income of that stated in the current year or less and whose child/children attend full-time nursery school, primary school or special school; or,
- he/she has a statement of Special Educational Needs and is designated to require a special diet; or
- he/she is a boarder at a special school; or,
- he/she is the child of an asylum seeker supported by the Home Office National Asylum Support Service (NASS)
- the parent receives the Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Can I receive a School Uniform Allowance for all my children?
You can apply for school uniform allowance for children attending Primary, Secondary, Grammar, Voluntary Grammar, Integrated Secondary and Special Schools. Allowance for physical education clothing for students doing P.E at Institutions of Further and Higher Education can be claimed. Children attending mainstream Nursery schools / Nursery Units or Reception Classes are NOT ENTITLED.
When will the School Uniform Allowance be paid?
The allowance cannot be paid out until after school year commences i.e. 1 August. Allowances for pupils of school leaving age cannot be paid out until verification has been received from the Principal confirming that the pupil has actually returned.
What is the procedure for applying for School Uniform Allowance?
An application form for school uniform allowance has to be completed by Parent/Guardian/Claimant online via the EA website.
Who is entitled to claim School Uniform Allowance?
A pupil shall be entitled to school uniform/physical education clothing where:
- The parent/guardian is in receipt of Income Support, Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance, or if a pupil claims Income Support in their own name; or,
- the parents receive the Child Tax Credit; and are ineligible for the Working Tax Credit because they work less than 16 hours per week; and have an annual taxable income of that stated for the current school year or less; or,
- the parents receive Working Tax Credit; and have an annual taxable income of that stated for the current school year or less and whose child/children are in full-time attendance at primary school or special school; or,
- he/she is the child of an asylum seeker supported by the Home Office National Asylum Support Service (NASS)
- the parent receives the Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
IMPORTANT NOTICE Entitlement through Working Tax Credit is effective from September 2010. Full-time pupils in attendance at Primary / Secondary / Grammar Schools or who attend a Special School as a day pupil are entitled to uniform allowance. The Clothing Scheme does not apply to pupils in attendance at Nursery Schools / Nursery units or Reception Classes.
My child already attends Glengormley IPS Pre School Playgroup, do I need to complete an application form for P1?
Yes. Even though your child already attends Glengormley IPS pre-school playgroup, you will need to fully complete an application form for a P1 place for your child. Please ensure you state on your form that your child attends our playgroup as this will help you if and when the school should be over-subscribed, in which case criteria will be applied to shortlist applicants. These critera are clearly laid out in order and can be found in the NEELB handbook which is issued each year through the schools.
Do I need an application to enlist my child in GIPS, and if so, where do I get it?
Application forms are only required for enlisting a child into Primary 1 for the forthcoming September intake. These are available both from the school office and the NEELB Open Enrolment Office. Alternatively they may be downloaded from the following website: http://www.education-support.org.uk/parents/enrolment-transfer/primary-admissions/?assetdet20628=5467 If your child is of P2 – P7 age and there is a vacancy in the relevant class available in GIPS, just inform your current school Principal, as a matter of courtesy of your intention to move your child to Glengormley IPS. Please consult the Principal of GIPS first to ensure a place is available for your child.